Daniel Oropeza

Composer | Creative Coder | Multidisciplinary Artist

He works in the artistic areas of music and image. He adopts transdiscipline and technology in the generation of contemporary audiovisual practices, his work is developed between livecoding, generative art, glitch art and sound art. He has been awarded first place in the First International Composition Competition of the Cayambis Institute for Latin American Studies in Music (CILASiM) for his work "Six popular pieces" for Woodwind Quintet and more recently first place in the Roque Cordero Composition Competition in the category only for his work "Retraction of the present", for flute alone without accompaniment. His visual work has been exhibited and presented in different countries, including Canada, Mexico, USA, Czech Republic and Panama.

Hydra is a modular video synthesizer for the web which allows you to play and think with the flow of pixel signals, routing different sources, moving the pixels and creating feedback.

Light and Shadow Collection

Light and Shadow is a collection of abstract pieces created with code in Hydra. Hydra is a tool for the creation of generative art and Live Coding. The collection currently has a total of 114 pieces and is currently available on Tezos.

Some of the pieces are abstractions generated from a geometric element and others are inspired by nature. The mix of modulated layers and noise generates this diversity of abstractions.

Light and Shadow is nothing more than a constant exploration with light and darkness, with imagination and nature, with bright and opaque colors, with contrast and brightness.

Each piece is unique and they all have the same Aspect Ratio 2:3.

In the words of my good friend, art critic Lone Wick: "I feel like this texture would make any color combination look really good." Texture is the main protagonist of this collection, especially because it has become an exercise in simulation. Of course color and movement are important elements but texture is the life support. Micropixels manipulated and altered at will.

You can find this collection at Objkt.com (June 02, 2023). The price and format are to be discussed - please contact Daniel Oropeza at https://twitter.com/Ferdoropeza

Notable Collectors

Acid Boy
Lone Wick
Srikant Tiwari
Major Sameer

As seen in...